Mesajul lui Kim: „Dear friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances,
The project I started on 10th August 2008 has 2 days left in it. Ride Planet Earth happens on Dec 6th and then my journey is over.
I have cycled from Brisbane, through Northern Australia, South East Asia, China, Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Eastern and Western Europe, before arriving here, in a small coastal town in Denmark, some 120 km from Copenhagen.
Tomorrow I cycle to Roskilde, then on Sunday 6th December I will cycle the last remaining 35km into the Copenhagen City Centre.
I will be joined by people who have cycled from all over Europe, delegates and activists from the COP15, and some hundreds of locals, as we demonstrate the capacity and willingness of ordinary people to take action on climate change. On the same day, in over 50 locations around the world, people will be taking to the streets in solidarity. All of us will be recording messages to send to the COP delegates, and the world, stating why our governments must take action to stop climate change now and what we are doing about it individually. I am currently in negotiations with several delegations to hand over these messages personally. In this way we hope to convince the delegates to start protecting our planet, but also let them know that if they don’t take the lead, we will.
This project started very small. Just some guy on a bike. But out of this has developed something significant, action, action that contributes to the growing global movement to tackle global warming and environmental abuses. Action demonstrated by the many, mant events that have taken place over the past year leading up to the Copenhagen negotiations and action that will continue beyond it.
Although I have seen many impacts of climate change first hand, spoken to farmers whose crops no-longer grow, whose rivers have dried and disappeared, those lands are encroached upon by expanding deserts and hit by unpredictable storms, I am optimistic. I have been lucky, because my journey has exposed me to some of the inspirational people working with everything they have to ensure we have a sustainable future. In some of the most remote parts of the world, in places where I least expected it, I found people working to ensure our planet will be a safe place to live for the generations to come.
So I think we can do it. I think we can stop dangerous climate change. I think with all the committed, intelligent, energetic, amazing, inspirational people across the planet we can’t help but be successful.
The only question is when. By participating in Ride Planet Earth on 6th Dec 09, being part of this global movement, you can make that success come a little bit earlier.
If you are not already attending you still can. Check the website, the participation page, for all the details. Go to the facebook group, The Ride Planet Earth Challenge, events, to confirm your attendance.
If there are no events near you, you can still participate. You can get out on your bike that day, wherever you are, in solidarity. Make sure you also record a video message stating (1) why the governments meeting in Copenhagen need to take action to stop climate change now and (2) what you are doing about it personally. Then upload these messages onto Youtube, Youku or Vimeo under the title „Ride Planet Earth Messages (your location)”. Please also email the messages to me at and the project film-maker, Ricky Tart,, so we can make the DVD of messages to give to delegates during the negotiations.
I want to thank everyone for your support throughout this experience. I can’t yet appreciate that it is at an end. Right now all I want is a very long sleep.
Many thanks,
Change Starts and Ends with Us. Join the Ride. Start Cycle Change. Stop Climate Change”